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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Identity Unit High School Style

I asked my students the typical high school  English  teacher journal question: "Who are you? What do you want me to know about you to help me  teach you better?" This is what I wrote and read to them to help them get started:
Gotta love “Identity Units” and teachers who ask their students “Who are you?” without ever answering that question themselves. Now, I’m doing it too--- with a twist. I’m answering this question or attempting to do it with you. “O wad some Power the giftie gie us  / To see oursels as ithers see us! ” (To A Louse, Robert Burns). Every since I read that poem in eleventh grade, I have been fascinated by the idea that how we see ourselves is not necessarily how others see ourselves at all. So, I can only say who I see myself as being.
I understand that some of my teen students have trouble with that concept. That’s why I’m doing this exercise with you. Who am I?
I’m the patient teacher with a snarky sense of humor. I’m the scholar with a blue asskicker for a soul. I’m the injured pro trying to make a comeback in his rookie season on the senior tour. I’m the indulgent puppy daddy who runs his pups until they’re dog tired. I’m the grown son to elderly parents, switching roles and looking out for them after 49 years of them doing the same for me.
I’m sincere. I’m a spazz. I’m captain awkward. I have talents, some hidden, some apparent. I have weaknesses. Some hidden. Some apparent. I’m an uncle to 13. I’m a great uncle to 6 with one more on the way.
I’m the sum of my experiences and I’m growing every day. I can match bible quoting quips with my holy roller friends and play I doubt it with agnostics. I can belt gospel, twang country, spit hip-hop and wail with Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. I can make a diamond jealous because I’ve got so many facets.
I’m the outsider looking in full of inside jokes of my own. I’m a walking contradiction of every label I fulfill and I have fun confusing those who want to give me one label. One identity. One ethnicity. One race. One home. One philosophy. One strategy to take on life by.

I am many things to many people (Mr. Logan, Uncle Joel, Coach, son, brother, spouse)  but I am always, unapologetically, “Me.”

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