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Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year

2012 was--- I dunno. Too many adjectives, some sad, some tragic, some triumphant, some flabberghasting, some inspirational-- it was a year, in all it's glory and wonder.

In this new year and even during the last month of the old one, I wasn't thinking about resolutions--- I'm already fulfilling one-- mostly. I am thinking about where the last year has taken me in my growth as a teacher, a citizen, and a human being. I've tried new things, rediscovered my voice as a writer, activist, and teacher. In the coming months I want to keep learning.

I'm still peeling back the layers of the Mr. Logan I am evolving into. So I don't have a new resolution; it is just a continuation of 2012's: to evolve and become a better educator to 21st century learners. Stay tuned-- I'm just getting started.

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