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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Joel Logan, Stewartstown, PA

Ok, I am answering the challenge of my mentors, students, friends and family. I am going to start writing again, and it starts today. This blog is to get down on paper what's normally racing through my mind as I travel through my nineteenth year as an educator. I'm a product of the 70s and 80s trying to bridge my pedagogy into the 21st Century as a middle school English teacher.

I am also an African American male who grew up a corporate brat (GE-- we bring good things to life...) in Western MA, Central NY, and Tidewater VA. I now teach in a rural school district in Southern York County, Pa. Prior to this teaching position, I taught in Mercer County, NJ near Princeton. I just finished my 10th year as an adjunct professor in the EOF program at The College of New Jersey in Ewing, NJ.

I know I'm going to go off topic with stories of raising an adorable yellow lab puppy named Hannah. Don't be surprised if I break teacher talk with bowling news (I'm a member of the PBA,) family news, random musings etc.. but hey--- it's my blog and I can digress if I want to, right?


  1. Hi Mr. Logan! This is Savannah N from last year in 8th grade at sesd. You came to my mind when I recently started writting an essay in my English class for analyzing a poem called "The Raven". I remember you having me do this in I&E. You having me do that before has actually helped me while writting this essay. I just want you to know that I really miss having you as my teacher and that you made a huge impact on me.

  2. Mr. Logan do you have a brother named Charles that attended the Catholic University of America?
